Wealth Management for a New Generation of Investors

Lotus Asset Management is a boutique wealth management firm dedicated to setting a new standard for financial advice and investment management for high-performing young professionals. We are a full service advisory firm offering objective, comprehensive financial services including analysis of current portfolios, custom-tailored planning and financial modeling, and client-specific investment plans to suit the needs, goals, liabilities, and risk tolerance of each client. Our clients can range from individuals and families to foundations and endowments.

Our focus is to provide our clients with a fully dedicated, unbiased, and holistic wealth management platform that will strive to meet every need and build wealth for the next generation and beyond. Our primary goal is to meet all of yours.

Meet Your Advisor

Rohit Padmanabhan headshot

Rohit Padmanabhan, CFA

President and Chief Investment Officer

Rohit is the founder of Lotus Asset Management and currently serves as President and Chief Investment Officer. He started Lotus AM to bring his extensive experience with high-net-worth clients to a younger audience that could apply his detailed advice over a much longer time horizon.

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How much do you really know about retirement benefits? If you’re like most Americans, it’s not that much. In fact, most of us have fairly poor “retirement literacy,” especially when it comes to the finer points of retirement benefits. 1 That may not seem like a big deal, but it can give rise to all sorts of landmines in the future, possibly derailing your retirement plans and goals. It could also impact your quality of...
First, let’s start by uncovering the most common mistake in estate planning… Surprisingly, this frequently made mistake might already be on your doorstep. A staggering number of people haven’t yet started an estate plan. It’s a critical oversight that can have far-reaching implications, but this isn’t the only pitfall that can disrupt your planning efforts. Here’s a breakdown of 4 estate planning missteps and how to fix them: Mistake #1: Neglecting to Update Your Estate...